An important part of the work that GCRP does is to make sure that travelling by train is a real option for as many people as possible. As well as developing information and promotional tools such as access maps and guides, we are busy working with County and District Councils to help plan for the future.
We carry out surveys, audits and other research to look at the physical and social barriers to taking the train, and ways in which connections to stations can be improved for pedestrians, cyclists and those with accessibility needs. We want Gloucestershire's railway network to be open to all, so checking out ways we can work together to improve these links is really important, especially when major new housing or commercial or leisure development is going to have a big impact on the way people travel in future.
Our job as the GCRP is to be the glue that brings together the ideas, evidence and energy to ensure communities have a voice and opportunities to promote train travel are not lost.

We work closely with Gloucestershire County Council and promote their integrated travel services.
Check out Thinktravel for all the latest information on walking, cycling, bus and other travel in the County. For help with journey planning using public transport go to Travelline.
GCRP will be producing a series of integrated onward travel maps for each railway station in the county. The first will be available online in March 2021.

A key part of our access and inclusion work is the design and production of access maps. Working in partnership with GCC we will be publishing comprehensive access maps for Gloucester, Cheltenham, Lydney, Stroud and Stonehouse in early 2021.
These are designed to support everyone find their way around our towns and cities but will be particularly helpful for disabled visitors. These easy-to-read, maps identify accessible routes, bus stops, cycle parking, key facilities and destinations. They can be used in all sorts of ways and will be available in digital and printed format.
Alongside these maps you can go online and view our Google Maps platform which has lots of extra information about the routes we’ve audited, including photographs and other information to help you plan your journey to and from the station- it’s really handy if you are planning a day trip and need to check out how you are going to move around.

GCRP will be working with local authorities and train operators to update and refresh Station Travel Plans for every station in Gloucestershire.
These are short ‘prospectuses’ that look at each station and what opportunities there are for improvements in and around the station, and in connecting the station to the community it serves.
We’re building on the West Midlands ‘Stations as Places’ model and working our way around the County updating the series of plans developed around 2015.
Our first stations to be tackled will be Lydney and Gloucester. To get involved contact us.